Black Friday CountDown 1

24 May, 2007

It's Summer - Act Like a Kid

Gabby Reece writes a blog on yahoo that is informative and fun, but above all very true. She recently talked about how we adults should take tips from our kids this summer:

1. Play. Kids run and jump around and don't' call it "working out;" they call it playing. So, if you hate the gym and the feeling of "I have to work out," then find some activity that involves moving that you have fun at. Go outside and play, but be home for dinner.
2. Eat when you're hungry and only until you are full. Children don't dream and obsess about food (except candy). They sometimes even forget to eat. The key lesson to learn from young children is once they are full, they stop eating. Plenty of times you will see them leave really yummy stuff on their plate because they are full. We really overeat as a culture. If this is too difficult, then just put less on your plate.
3. Sleep. They go until they drop. Turn off the computer and TV and get some rest. That's why the little buggers are so happy and have so much energy - because they recover.
There's more tips from Gabby, so
4. Speak your mind. That's right how many times do you think you're going to crawl under the table because your kid says something overly honest? We pound it into our kids to "tell the truth," but yet we go around stuffing our own feelings. This is a form of not telling the truth. I think we would all feel better and relieved if we just got some of that stuff off of our chest. Doesn't mean you have to be malicious just honest.
5. Use your manners. This is another foundational piece we preach to children, but yet we stop being thankful. Look around and see how fortunate you are. Say thank you for what you do have and let's all stop obsessing about what we don't have or we think we want. Use that energy to put into yourself something more productive.
6. Drink alcohol in moderation. Since they are underage, they don't drink, but I think it's fine for you to have a glass of wine or a beer now and again. I would watch the alcohol consumption because it is hard on your organs, makes you reach for a lot more food than you would normally, and is just generally disruptive. I met a guy who I hadn't seen in about seven months and he lost 60 lbs. You know what he said: "I stopped drinking."
7. Laugh. You hear how often they giggle and laugh? Sometimes I catch myself and I feel so uptight and borderline grumpy. Have a laugh and notice all the fun stuff around. Joy is good for the soul and the gut.
8. Be in the moment. Kids have the luxury of being present since we worry about all of it for them. However, there is something to be said for being involved with whatever you are doing. Don't sit at lunch with one friend texting another. Hang up the cell and be present. Source


Anonymous said...

Love it - I especially like what she said about taking the time to just laugh and look at all the fun stuff around you. Sometimes we're just too serious...

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I never really zeroed in on those issues like she just did! An optimistic attitude is really a blessing! I'm not going to think of it a working out... I'm going out to play and will also promise myself to get a good night's