Black Friday CountDown 1

27 November, 2006

Detox After a Big Meal

If you ate more than you wanted to at your Friday lunch meal you are not alone. If you want to help the digestion process along here are few ideas to help.
The night after the meal:
Drink ginger tea - it helps to improve digestionChewable papaya enzyme can help promote digestion as well
The next morning:
Oatmeal is really high in insoluble fiber which helps the gut get things moving
Drink plenty of water to help the body digest and eliminate waste
The rest of the day:
Eat foods high in insoluble fiber like carrot sticks with sandwich on whole wheat breadGet exercise - nothing helps more than a little motion and a little sweating to help the body process and burn the extra callories you consumed.


Anonymous said...

I keep fit and trim, thanks.

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that there were 2 types of fiber. good to know.

Editor said...

Best is not to have a big meal at all...