Black Friday CountDown 1

18 January, 2007

Antenatal fish oil boosts coordination

Fish oil supplements given to pregnant mothers improve the hand-eye coordination of their babies as toddlers, reports an Australian research team. Dr Susan L. Prescott, of the University of Western Australia, and colleagues base their findings on a study of 98 pregnant women with allergies, who were either given 4g of fish oil supplements or 4g of olive oil supplements daily from 20 weeks of pregnancy, to birth. The women were participating in a larger study to investigate whether fish oil would protect their children from allergies. The results were published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood.
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Fran said...

I heave read that the best suppliment is the OMEGA 3 along with the rest of the Omegas - 6 & 9.
Doctors recommend up to 3 grams daily.

PG said...

It depend really what your body needs. The Omega 3 is the fish oil. The 6 is from vegetables and the 9 is combined. If you eat lots of fish and less vegetables, chose the Omega 6. If the other way around, 3 is the right one.