Black Friday CountDown 1

01 May, 2007

Questions to ask before taking madications

Often we visit clinics and hospitals. More often we accompany our children and just pick up with relief the prescription written by the sympathetic doctor. There are pharmacies at every mall and every corner - easy to find and afford.
Often we just hand the prescription to the pharmacist who hands us back the drugs or the pills. We just pick it up and read the directions and start taking it. Some times this could be a reckless process, part of the hectic daily routine and we don't really pay a lot attention to it. Often we have no idea what is going in our bodies.
The American Health Association has come up with a list of questions we should ask the doctors and the pharmacists before start popping the pills:
What is the name of the medicine?
Is this the brand or generic name?
What is the medicine supposed to do?
How and when do we take it?
For how long?
What foods, drinks, other medicines or activities should we avoid while taking this medicine?


Anonymous said...

And from years of experience...when you are in the hospital, check that they are giving you the right meds by asking the name and dosage. I am a kidney patient and the doc almost gave me a cancer patients meds. Luckily I was with it. And if I am out of it, I always try to have an advocate present to make sure they are giving my the proper meds!!

Anonymous said...

Hi girls,

Definitely great advice. I think it's important to not be intimidated - don't be scared to ask any and all questions that you may have. It is your health after all.


Anonymous said...

Side effects - really important question. My migraine preventatives have major MAJOR side effects including destruction of your cognitive and speaking abilities and memory loss.

Trade off it's either take the preventatives or according to new research suffer the return of the seven days of migraine attacks causing more permanent brain damage and in the future a stroke.

Always read those RX disclosure insert from the pharmacy about your meds and then google the med and read up on it for all of the info. That's my advice.

Anonymous said...

Because every one is so diplomatic, I feel the need to point it out: PHYTOSHAPE.
When the news broke few months ago, everybody were talking only how many kg they have lost an how many more they should lose. Few google it only to find results second to none. But no one bothered and now the poor souls who fed them self with phytoshape are sick worried what will happen to them.
Thise questions by the American Association actually make lots of sense.
Who is producing the phytoshape?
Is it a manufacturer selling brands or a newcomer???
And it's amazing that people continue taking the phytoshape even after finding so very little information about it.....
OMG, imagine if an evil brain decides to sale us some poison in the shape of slimming pills............

Anonymous said...

Hi all,
I always check all my meds and read the instructions very careeul. Even if I find some contraindications, I go back to my doc and ask her to replace with a saver option. I really doubt if any one is so careless to not read what it is about. Hope you all do like me...;-)))))