Black Friday CountDown 1

21 November, 2006

Don't get ''MALLED'' By The food Court

I hate to be the one to bring it up, but it's that time of year again - time to think about getting that Holiday shopping done.(Insert scream heard round the world.) I usually have to make the obligatory trip to the mall for something that I couldn't get at the grocery. While I am there, I get hungry. It's unavoidable, and it just happens.What's worse? Not only am I hungry but also know there is a place where food is so easily accessible. A place that reminds me of the fast food holy land: The Food Court.
For ways to hit the food court without hitting rock bottom on your diet, read more.


Anonymous said...

i am going to have hard time passing up cinnabon. those things are like a drug...maybe i'll just do all my shopping trough ProShopper this year! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Fitnessgirl, I fully understand - Cinnabon always gets me at the Mall. Next time my Mall treat will be Paul.

Editor said...

When my son & I go to the mall, we usually end up getting Chinese food (chicken and vegetables or Japanese (teriyaki) and later hit Starbucks for plain coffee with milk. I hope that's better than McDonald's or pizza..

Anonymous said...

I carry a zip top bag full of nuts. If I'm out and ''forget'' to eat I can always dig into them and not feel guilty.A little protein can go a long way.

Anonymous said...

Great idea Daisy!